Busy Can No Longer be Your Catch Cry if You Want to Be Successful.


Here’s a challenge, find someone today who is not busy. We’re busy ticking off our to-do lists, trying to run a business or manage our career. We’re busy hopping from meeting to meeting, trying to manage our team. We’re busy meeting client expectations, ensuring cash flow and results are where they need to be. We’re […]

How Busy is Impacting Your Kids.


“I’m sick of being a technology orphan” said a nine year old girl to her parents. After delivering a Busy? keynote recently, a lady approached me to let me know the point I had made about how busy is impacting our children really resonated with her. Her daughter had said the comment above and it […]

The Ability of Leaders to Pick and Choose.


“Action expresses priorities” Mahatma Gandhi There’s a key point I make in my ‘Busy? What are you busy doing?’ workshops that really encourages people stop and think about the real meaning of their language when we tell others we’re ‘too busy’ to return a call, respond to an email, send them information, show up to […]

Your Leadership Anchor


“Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance.” ~ Brian Tracy Have you ever worked with someone who was his or her own downfall? They have […]