Do You Want to Smash Your 2019 Targets?

Are you feeling a little shell-shocked that we’ve arrived in June already?

Has that word ‘busy’ been all too consuming for you?

Are you not quite at the stage you’d like to be with your 2019 goals?

You are not alone! In talking with many clients and people within my network that word ‘busy’ seems to continually crop up and yet for many, this busyness hasn’t converted or yielded the results that were much hoped for.

For many of us, the first six months have been a bumpy ride. There have been many disruptions with the numerous holidays and not to mention the upheaval and uncertainty that the election caused. With some decisions made at least on the political front, many are hoping for less disruption, greater stability, and more confidence.

At this point in the year, it’s important to stop and assess where you’re at right now and ensure:

  • You have crystal clear clarity around your goals and how to achieve them
  • You have the motivation and conviction to take the actions required to achieve your goals
  • You are accountable to these actions and not procrastinating or avoiding the hard tasks.

Sometimes, actually most of the time, it can be better doing this with someone else to really ignite your motivation and get clarity on what you need to. As the old saying goes, two heads are better than one!

To support you, I am offering 10 spots for those committed to smashing their goals to have a one on one strategy session with me to sit down and map out what has to be done for you to be super proud at the end of the year.

These are 90-minute laser focused sessions where we will review your goals and ensure you have the right actions and success structure (critical!) in place to achieve them. If not, we’ll tweak and change as required to ensure you do and then you’re on your way!

There is some availability in June and early July.

End of Financial Year Bonus

If you lock in a session in June for either June or July, you will receive a 5% discount together with being able to claim the expense in this tax year. A double bonus for you!

I would love nothing more than to see you smash the goals you have set for 2019. Contact me here to arrange a mutually convenient time to chat about how we can work together to do it.