Business Leadership Academy



The Leadership Academy For Todays Business Leaders

Launching On Wednesday March 16th


Introducing The Business Leadership Academy

Have you ever wondered what makes people successful?

Have you had the opportunity to learn from other business leaders, thought leaders and people leaders sharing the secrets to their success and their mindset?

Are you interested in growing as a leader?

You can now do this without even having to leave your office! Please invite all the business leaders you know to join us also.

We are very excited to introduce you to Distinctive Leaderships ‘Business Leadership Academy’.

The Business Leadership Academy was developed for emerging and current leaders to support Leadership growth and development. It is a forum for leaders to learn from others and to share their experience for the benefit of other leaders. As John Maxwell says, “Leadership is the difference maker and the deal breaker.” The Business Leadership Academy is a forum like no other and you are invited to be part of it and pick up all of the gems and distinctions on offer.

The first and major part to the Business Leadership Academy is our ‘Inspirational Interview Series’. We all know success starts with mindset and the mindsets of our guests are the key to their success.

What can you expect?

Each fortnight we will be interviewing a prominent leader who will share with you their thoughts and experiences in leadership, what has worked for them and what they believe makes a successful leader for today. The best part for you is you do not have to leave your office. This is done over the phone or by webinar. They will be held at 12pm on a Wednesday so you can grab your lunch, shut the door, takes heaps of notes and get inspired!

The speakers we have lined up are inspirational to say the very least and have had great success in leadership. This will range between self-leadership, thought leadership, people leadership and business leadership. They will share some secrets to their success and more importantly you will get an insight to their mindset. The variety will be rich and the experience and learning’s invaluable to you. You cannot miss this.

Our Guests

To kick off our Inspirational Interviews on March 16th we have Justin Herald. You may have heard of his name! He is one incredibly successful man! Get ready to be blown away. Have a read of this:

Justin Herald is a man with Attitude! In 1995, all Justin had to start his business was $50 and an attitude. With clever marketing campaigns and a strong desire to make something of his life, Justin set out to turn his $50 into a multi-million dollar empire in just 6 years. 

Justin's business success has allowed him to retire from Attitude Gear® and turn his passion to helping others achieve their business and personal goals. Justin has worked closely with major organisations such as the Australian Tax Office, Phillips and IP Australia. He is in high demand as a motivational speaker and is respected as one of Australia's leading authors on getting more out of life.”


Following Justin, we have some admired, courageous, highly respected and successful leaders.


30th March – Jenny Brown – One of the best Financial Planners in the country as voted by her peers and license group who has developed team of leaders. She is invited to speak nation-wide about how she has built such an incredibly successful business that flourished during recent challenging times. Jenny has rich experience in building a business from scratch and how her leadership style enabled her to achieve the success she has.




13th April – Rod Moore – The number one marketing specialist for small business, Rod has built a global business and has one of the most amazing minds for business I have ever had the pleasure to learn from. He too is a sought after speaker not only for his business and marketing success, but also for his entrepreneurial flair. Rod is a thought leader and also a people leader and has some rich experience to share with you.




27th April – Wayne Berry – the man behind Top Gun Sales Academy teaching sales, negotiation and sales management. Wayne is the master of sales and has worked with major corporations across our great nation. He is a highly sought after speaker globally and is a best selling author. You will not want to miss this. Wayne has some surprises for you!




These leaders are just the start of many more to come your way.

How do you register?

Register via this link and invite the business leaders you know to do the same. You will then be sent the dial in details for each of our leadership calls:


Register For The Business Leadership Academy Here


It’s fair to say we are incredibly excited and very honoured to be bringing to you such high caliber guests each fortnight. We can’t wait for this to start!

Don’t keep this to yourself, spread the word. One of the most inspirational and convenient leadership forums is right here available to leaders.

We look forward to speaking with you on March 16th at 12pm with the one and only Justin Herald.

To your leadership success,

Julie Hyde
Distinctive Leadership