Three Self-Leadership Strategies to Help You Feel Zen

Last week I took some time out, headed to a health retreat and went off grid. Totally off the grid – no wifi, no 4g and no TV. That meant no news, no email, no social no phone calls and no tracking deliveries for an entire week! Think about that for a minute. Taking yourself […]
This is What Happens When Your Doctor Says You Have Cancer

Until the second the surgeon said I had stage three melanoma, I would have told you I had an almost perfect life. Supportive husband, two parents still alive, strong business and brand, trusted friends. Then the strangest sentence I’ve ever heard: “Julie, you’re in the fight of your life.” Minutes earlier, I’d been on a […]
We Have The Choice to Lead the Change We Want to See.
I am a big believer that for things to change we must lead it. We all have the opportunity to lead change within our own spheres of influence to make a difference. Today, we celebrate International Women’s Day focusing on the theme #BreakTheBias. I think this is a powerful focus because if we take time […]
5 Proven Strategies to Turn Busy Into Productive and Supercharge Your Results For the New Financial Year

While we often leave the champagne popping and hip, hip hoorays for the start of the calendar year, the beginning the New Financial Year signifies celebration and also new goal setting to ensure this FY21/22 makes a positive impact to your bottom line. Especially after the disruption and turmoil of last year. In order to […]
Your People Are On The Move
Have you noticed the amount of people who have decided to pack up the family and travel around Australia caravan in tow? Or the number of highly skilled employees who are thinking about retiring early? Perhaps you’ve noticed the number of employees who want to take more frequent breaks or continue to work from home […]
The Leader Brings the Weather
Looking out my window, it’s raining, dark and gloomy. It’s not my favourite weather at all and it influences my mood and motivation. I really have to make a concerted effort to do things when the weather is like this. In contrast, when the sun is shining my motivation levels are much better and my […]
Less ‘To Do’ and More ‘To Be’
The past couple of months have been super productive. Did you think I was going to say busy? Never! Anyway, my productivity has meant that I needed to run at a fast pace and now I am looking forward to having a few days to slow down and put the laptop away. Don’t get me […]
Which Bridges to Cross & Which to Burn
Achieving what you want to achieve often requires embarking on a new journey, bridging the gap from here, where you are today, to there, where you want to be in the future. This can come with a fair amount of pressure too! However, sometimes success can come from simply eliminating something old rather than adding in something new. If you breathed […]
Less ‘To Do’ and More ‘To Be’
The past couple of months have been super productive. Did you think I was going to say busy? Never! Anyway, my productivity has meant that I needed to run at a fast pace and now I am looking forward to having a few days to slow down and put the laptop away. Don’t get me […]
Which Bridges to Cross & Which to Burn
Achieving what you want to achieve often requires embarking on a new journey, bridging the gap from here, where you are today, to there, where you want to be in the future. This can come with a fair amount of pressure too! However, sometimes success can come from simply eliminating something old rather than adding in something new. If you breathed […]