Empowering Leadership Through Change: The Benefits of Owning It

This week, I celebrate my 55th Birthday! 55 years around the sun is something to be celebrated and thankful for. Since my diagnosis, birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions mean even more to me now. When you face the reality of potentially not making your next birthday, they become very precious.

I was privileged to be up in Sydney for work and managed to spend some quality time with my sister, which was fantastic. There’s something about walking around the harbor that fuels my mindset and fills my cup, making these work trips even more rewarding.

While I was up there, I had the pleasure of presenting to over 100 leaders at a corporate conference in Sydney. The team had already read my book, You Always Have a Choice (YAHAC), and completed some pre-work for the conference, so we were able to dive deep into one of the most critical topics in leadership: owning and leading change.

Change is inevitable. In fact, it’s the only constant we can rely on in today’s fast-paced world.

But how we respond to change—whether we embrace it or resist it—determines our effectiveness as leaders. During the conference, we discussed the importance of not just navigating change but truly owning it, and, most importantly, leading our teams through it with confidence and clarity.

One of the key frameworks I shared with the leaders is from YAHAC—the Above and Below the Line framework. This simple yet powerful concept serves as a reference point for all leaders when they feel challenged, especially when facing change.

The Benefits of Owning Change

When leaders take ownership of change, they move into a space of empowerment and opportunity. Here’s why owning change is crucial:

  1. Fostering Innovation and Growth: By embracing change rather than resisting it, leaders open the door to innovation and growth. Change often brings new ideas, technologies, and ways of thinking that can propel an organisation forward. When leaders own change, they encourage their teams to think creatively and explore new possibilities.
  2. Building Resilience: Owning change helps build resilience, both personally and within the team. When leaders approach change with a mindset of ownership, they demonstrate the ability to adapt and thrive in new circumstances. This attitude is contagious and inspires the entire team to develop a resilient mindset.
  3. Strengthening Leadership: When leaders own change, they reinforce their leadership by showing that they are not just reacting to circumstances but actively shaping the future. This proactive approach builds trust and confidence within the team, as they see their leader taking charge and guiding them through the transition.

The Game-Changing Above/Below the Line Framework

The Above and Below the Line framework is a game-changer for leaders navigating change.

Here’s how it works:

  • Above the Line: When you’re above the line, you’re in a state of ownership, accountability, and responsibility. You see change as an opportunity rather than a threat. This mindset enables you to lead with confidence and clarity, making proactive decisions that benefit the organisation.
  • Below the Line: When you’re below the line, you’re in a state of blame, excuses, and denial. You may resist change or feel overwhelmed by it, leading to a passive approach that hinders progress. This mindset keeps you from fully realising the benefits that change can bring.

By consciously choosing to stay above the line, leaders can harness the full potential of change, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation.

Leading Change with Confidence
In today’s world, change is our new certainty. As leaders, it’s our responsibility to not only adapt to change ourselves but to own it, guiding our teams through it with a sense of purpose and direction. The Above and Below the Line framework provides a practical tool for staying empowered, ensuring that we can lead with confidence, even when the path ahead is uncertain.

If you’re interested in learning more about how this framework can transform your leadership approach, I’d love to connect with you. Together, we can explore how to stay above the line, own change, and lead with empowerment and purpose.