Business Coach – How Do You Know If You Need A Business Coach?

How Do You Know If You Need A Business Coach?

You can tell you need a business coach if any of the following apply:

  • You need a coach if you are feeling overwhelmed
  • You need a business coach if your business has stagnated
  • You need a coach if you are doing everything yourself
  • You need a business coach if your leadership style is outdated and ineffective
  • You need a coach if your personal productivity is low
  • You need a business coach if you have a team but they are not effective
  • You need a coach if your staff turn over or your team culture is poor
  • You need a coach if your sales are too low
  • You need a business coach if your cash flow is too low
  • You need a coach if your profits are imaginary
  • You need a coach if you have had enough and are ready to throw the towel in
  • You need a business coach if the success of your business relies 100% on you

If any of the above applies to you and your business then chances are good to excellent you need a business coach asap.

business coachBusiness Coach – Understanding The Process

You may be wondering what the process is of working with a business coach.

First and foremost your business coach is not there to do everything for you. It is not their job to implement the ideas, strategies and plans discussed. You as the business owner must accept full responsibility for your own success, results and outcomes.

Your coach is there to guide you. The coaching process itself usually occurs over a period of 6 to 12 months depending on the size and nature of your business. It is unrealistic to expect dramatic results in a shorter period of time in most cases. This is because if you currently have issues in your business, or key areas of your business are not working, then it will take time to correct these issues.

So make sure you enter a coaching relationship with your business coach with the right expectations at the start.

A good business coach however will:

  • Challenge you and your beliefs
  • Help you get out of your comfort zone
  • Stretch your thinking
  • Expand your vision of what is possible
  • Set you tasks and objectives
  • Listen to you and check in with you to ensure you are aligned
  • Provide you with valuable feedback which you may not necessarily want to hear
  • Keep you accountable
  • Call you up on your BS!
  • Ask you the tough questions you are afraid to ask yourself

A good coach will also:

  • Help you craft a bigger vision for your business
  • Develop fresh ideas and a new way of looking at things
  • Identify opportunities you may have missed
  • Inspire you and your team to tap into your potential
  • Cheer you on when you have little wins
  • Celebrate your great successes
  • Be a sounding board and someone to brainstorm with
  • Help you to structure a plan for change

Ultimately your business coach will be concerned mostly with improving your profits, productivity and proactivity through developing your leadership style and your people.

Complimentary Consultation With A Business Coach

So is a coach right for you? Well to really find out take the next step. We invite you to request a complimentary consultation with business coach Julie Hyde. During this consultation you will be able to explore key issues in your business and gain a greater understanding of how the right business coach can lead you to success.

To request a consultation with your business coach simply enter your details here and we will be in touch with you.