In The Same Boat

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATwo men were out on the ocean in a boat.

One of them began drilling in the bottom of the boat, and the other, aghast said “What are you doing? Stop drilling!”.

And the first man replied: “It’s all right. I’m only drilling on my side.”

When I first read this I had a little chuckle! And then I thought about it more.

In the fast pace that life and business is, we can become very silo focused and not raise our eyes to see what’s going on around us and appreciate how others are feeling.

I can’t tell you how many people have mentioned to me how fast this year is going and the amount of change they are experiencing personally and professionally. It seems the universe has shifted up a gear and we are all running to keep up, yet again.

What you do, how you are behaving, thinking, planning and executing can and does affect those around you. They are more than likely in the same boat.  Ensure you’re not causing it to sink!