The Resource sector is struggling with a skills shortage in the rapidly expanding industry. But that is not the only problem they are facing into. The rapid expansion signifies the need for more leaders, and leaders are hard to find. The desperate need they have is for management skills. To run effective sales meetings, to manage the recruitment and retention of staff as churn is high in the industry, to manage a process and to run an effective sales meeting. These are just a few things. In a nutshell, they need to be a leader.
Globally, we are experiencing a leadership crisis. There is no question about it. The Resource sector may also be in a crisis of leadership. With the preference for Tertiary Education coupled with our more affluent society, the young and potential leaders of today are not getting the ‘life skill or experience’ that is critical to effective leadership. They could be great academically, and have a specialized skill, but that does not equate to a dynamic leader. So how do we solve the problem?
Many large industries do provide fantastic leadership training. I was part of one of the ‘Big 4’ and received some great leadership training as an example. But what about the smaller businesses where many of our University students work while studying? What training and mentoring do they receive? In our recent article, Retailers Suffer from Lack Of Leadership, it may provide an insight.
Great leaders develop leaders. Great leaders develop followers also. This needs to be a priority in all business, across all sectors today. In business, we seem to be so disconnected from the people, the lifeblood, the succession plan, and the success of our business. We see them as required skill, as the number fulfilling the need. Leaders need to lift their eyes and stop for a reality check. Lift your eyes and identify your rising stars right from the get go, then implement a strategy to grow and develop these people, your emerging leaders. If leaders do not do this, the crisis will never end. Schools have a responsibility here also, but that is a whole other story.
Leaders, identify your rising stars, empower them, give them confidence and nurture them. Be a great role model. The future success of our society relies on you.