With me today is Kathryn Elliott, the founder of The Alcohol Mindset Coach and My Breast
Friend. In August 2019 at the age of 46, Kath discovered a large lump in her breast while getting dressed to race out the door to work. She instinctively knew something wasn’t right and two days later was diagnosed with locally advanced breast cancer. She went through six months of gruelling chemo and is now, very pleasingly, cancer free.
As a former binge drinker for over 30 years, Kath is now passionate about building awareness about the deeper human connection you can achieve through sharing your experience of illness and trauma and how choosing to remain alcohol free during this period was a catalyst to further healing and growth.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and also Ocsober, so our chat is perfectly timed!
In this episode, Kath shares how the binge drinking cycle kept her stuck in shame and blame, even while she was focussed on healthy living in other parts of her life. She was what she refers to now, as a functioning binge drinker.
You don’t need to hit rock bottom or be labelled as an alcoholic to realise that alcohol is causing issues in your life. Kath shares what we need to look out for in our relationship with alcohol and steps you can take to identify if you have a drinking issue.
Kath reveals the massive role that shame plays in staying stuck and how a big part of her work is normalising the feelings that her clients experience. She also underlines the importance of being aware of the health risks that alcohol presents. Alcohol consumption has been directly linked to breast cancer and she’s passionate about ensuring we have the information we need to make the best decisions for our health.
Kath’s work is so important in showing what is possible and finding a new way to live. Enjoy our conversation and I encourage you to share her message – it’s such an important one!
Connect with Kathryn Elliott:
Website: https://www.thealcoholmindsetcoach.com/ / https://mybreastfriend.net/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealcoholmindsetcoach/
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