Megan Dalla-Camina
Supporting Women to Rise - Part 2

Last week in Part 1 of my incredible conversation with Megan Dalla-Camina, we discussed rising up with confidence as women in the workplace, and the prevalence of burnout for women on a global scale. Megan had so many powerful insights to share that we just had to come back with Part 2 of our conversation.

For today’s episode, I wanted to tap into Megan’s mindset and understand what she thinks needs to change to create a more inclusive and equal world for women to participate in.

Megan has a powerful mindset and has courageously broken through some pretty major glass ceilings in her career. However, it wasn’t smooth sailing or a linear path for her to get there. Megan looks back over her corporate career and reflects on the challenges and burnout she faced when she lacked that healthy mindset.

We also talk about how creating positive change in the workplace is multi-faceted, and that there seems to be no silver bullet. But understanding these factors is important in the process of driving sizable steps towards gender equality and inclusivity in our world.

Megan shares her ideas around what ideal leadership could look like, from CEO’s at the top to managers in the middle. She also shares the alarming statistics around women leaving the workforce due to lack of support and chronic burnout.

We discuss ideas around getting clear on what we want for our careers and determining how to build true, lasting confidence. Discovering our own authenticity and learning to chart our own path will create agency over our lives. Once we are in control over our own wellbeing and mindset, it’s then that we’re able to choose what we do next.

I’m grateful for the honesty Megan shared with us and I just know you’ll be so inspired by her passion and dedication to empowering women to rise.


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