Stage 5 Growth

“There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder. “~ Ronald Reagan

Grow You want it! The person next door to you wants it. I want it! Growth!

Growth is an innate human need. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, stage 5 is Self-Actualization – realising personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. For Maslow, a person is always ‘becoming’ and never remains static. How each person achieves self actualization is very different. However, business leaders and executives have one thing is common. They want and need business growth and career growth to enable them to experience fulfilment, success and achievement. I don’t think there’s any doubt about that.

Business growth is becoming more challenging to achieve each year. With the constancy of change; one-term governments, legislations and technology to name a few, the challenges can be complex. Add to this the squeeze on margins and the competitive environment we are experiencing like never before. And do I mention people and the increased challenges associated with leading a team of people?

So how do we generate the growth we so desperately need to see on the ‘scoreboard’ to not only statistically validate the amount of energy we are putting into our business and career, but also validate that our actions are effective and our dream is coming closer to being fulfilled?

Most business leaders I know long to be able to influence others, to be proactive, to be ‘known for something’, to have absolute clarity working from a strategic growth plan towards achieving their vision creating sustainable success. Also knowing that the energy and time they are putting into their business is well spent. That’s the place of Growth. Purposeful and powerful.

To achieve business growth year on year, we must be able to disrupt our thoughts to think and see differently. We need to be able to recognize opportunity before the need and from a mature marketplace. We need to know where we are at and where we are heading. We need to understand what to stop, start, change or continue doing or we just keep swirling around in the vortex of busy.

How do we do this?


The above model best demonstrates the stages that many business owners take to achieve growth. The space below the tipping point is where you don’t want to hang out! It’s the decision that creates the tipping point for business leaders and executives. And it’s when that decision is made that you gain clarity in your direction, keep your energy reserves full and move to a space of growth. And in that space is motivation, momentum and meaning.

Now I can’t speak for you, however, if I had a choice I know where I’d rather be and using my above model as a reference, empowerment, influence and being a change leader sounds bloody good to me!

The Julie Hyde Mentoring program can assist with your growth strategy. Contact Julie and have a chat about how you can improve your results.