Same, Same and Certainly Not Different.


In today’s hyper-connected online world, we need to stand out. We need to attract attention, to be colourful and easily identifiable through masses of other information and noise out there. We can’t afford to fall into the world of ‘sameness’ that so many seem to. And there’s just so much sameness around right now. The […]

So What Do I Say if I Can’t Say I’m Busy?


This is one of the most common questions I am asked by leaders and by participants in my workshops when I encourage them to stop the ‘busy’ language. There is a genuine look of fear and confusion on their faces. How would I respond or what on earth will I say if I can’t say […]

The Perception Busy Creates

“When someone tells you they are “too busy”…..It’s not a reflection of their schedule. It’s a reflection of your spot on their schedule”. Dr Steve Maraboli A friend of mine asked me if I knew a good accountant the other day. I was a little confused by the question, as I knew she had a […]