The Avoidance Game

“Our biggest problems arise from the avoidance of smaller ones.” ~ Jeremy Caulfield You know you have to do it. You know you need to do it. You know it can’t go on any longer but you just can’t do it. In fact, you can’t be bothered. The lazy employee, the employee who continually steps […]

The Power of Vulnerability

“Vulnerability is about showing up and being seen. It’s tough to do that when we’re terrified about what people might see or think.” ~ Brene Brown This is the first Ted Talk I would like to share with you. Brené Brown, Ph.D., is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social […]

The Reflection In The Mirror.

We have to confront ourselves. Do we like what we see in the mirror? And, according to our light, according to our understanding, according to our courage, we will have to say yea or nay – and rise!  ~ Maya Angelou   It’s been a challenging, productive and great 5 months. Most weeks have been […]

What The Boss Doesn’t Know Won’t Hurt Him. Or Will It?

In my 26 years in business, I’ve seen the good the bad and the ugly of leadership. And I have experienced the same. I can still remember vividly working for a boss who was what you would call a nightmare! People were scared of the guy and for good reason. He had a temper, would […]

When The Problem Is Not The Problem

We all face into problems or challenges in business. Problems can be opportunities in disguise; they may warn us that we need to make changes, that we need to take action or to stop burying our heads in the sand. It’s when a problem gets ignored or is avoided that it can escalate to something […]

Resolving Conflict Part 2

Last month we discussed the increase of conflict in the workplace. Since then I have asked numerous people what the reason for this was in their world. I asked a mix of corporate and SME employees and Directors and these are the top 5 common themes: Lack of or very poor communication. Unclear expectations and […]

Resolving Conflict – Part 1

Recently and increasingly, I have been engaged to sort out conflict in the workplace. People’s relationships have broken down to the point they are not communicating in a professional manner, if at all, and it’s affecting the workplace. An awful situation for the rest of the team especially when it’s the Directors who have the […]

Release the Pressure

There is nothing more frustrating in business when people are just not pulling their weight. After you have clearly defined what they need to do, believe they know how to do it and they just don't! And then come the excuses as to why things have not been done as they should. It's always someone […]