All Buts are on the Nose!


This week’s blog is a relatively simple one. The message is tapping on the shoulder of your self-awareness and how conscious you are of your ‘buts’ and it links back to last weeks message and the podcast that I released early in January. You could probably accuse me of eavesdropping on a conversation in a […]

Avoiding the Weeds Whilst Working From Home.


I had an amusing conversation with a client the other day. She was telling me how she wanted to work from home more but is worried about the impact on her productivity because she gets very distracted. She went on to tell me about a time when she was studying. She was at her desk […]

Creating Two Types of Momentum.


We have flipped the calendar page over for the second last time in 2018. We’re now on the home stretch. I do love this time of year, it’s spring, daylight savings kicks in for many of us and there is a more festive feel in the air. That being said there are many distractions to […]

How Busy is Impacting Your Kids.


“I’m sick of being a technology orphan” said a nine year old girl to her parents. After delivering a Busy? keynote recently, a lady approached me to let me know the point I had made about how busy is impacting our children really resonated with her. Her daughter had said the comment above and it […]

Should Mobile Phones be Banned in Meetings?


It seems when people are invited to attend a meeting they now consider it a ‘plus one’ scenario. It is common practice these days for meeting participants to show up with their mobile phone in hand, engaged and ready to distract. Tip – if you are reading this whilst you’re in a meeting right now […]

Don’t Do It Again!

You said you wouldn’t this year……. So make sure you don’t! Traditionally at this time of year people take time to reflect on the year that was and make promises about what they want to be different. Resolutions are made. Goals are set. Things will be different in 2017. And you feel really good about […]

The Circus Juggling Act.

“A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.” ~ John C. Maxwell Do you ever feel like a juggling act in a circus? You have so many balls in the air that you need to keep an eye on so they […]

Three Simple Ways To Keep Your Mind Sharp.

“Self care is not selfish or self-indulgent. We can not nurture others from a dry well. We need to take care of our own needs first, then we can give from our surplus, our abundance.“ Jennifer Louden Over the past couple of months in particular I’ve either been mentoring, delivering workshops or speaking with people […]