When Busy Becomes an Unhealthy Game.


There’s often competition amongst a team of people. Who can hit their KPI’s first, who can get the best feedback from their clients, who can get the attention of the CEO or who can move up the ladder quickest. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of healthy competition in a workplace right? What about when […]

Would You Pick Up Someone Else’s Rubbish?


A guy was walking along the street on a hot day a couple of weeks ago drinking a bottle of water. Thinking he was highly skilled in basketball, the aimed the bottle at the bin, threw and missed. No score. The bottle fell to the ground and he kept walking. Noticing this was a father […]

Looking Back to Get Ahead.


I’m sitting in disbelief (and a little bit of relief if I am honest) that I am writing my final blog of the year! This year has flown past and now with the Christmas tree up and parties in full swing I get to take a little break from writing. Well, at least to my […]

Expert Interview – How to Stay Relevant and Engage Our Four Generations.


There are many incredibly powerful leaders in our world and Adam Rowse, of Barclay’s Bank, UK, is one of them. Adam is a dynamic leader who has climbed the success ladder quickly through his natural ability to engage and communicate with people of all walks of life. He is incredibly intelligent and well credentialed, but […]

The Value of Your Circle of Influence.


A boy and his father were walking through the woods together. They came across a large log, blocking their path. The boy turned to his father and said, ‘Do you think I can lift this log?’ The father replied, ‘If you use all your strength, absolutely you can.’ The boy rolled up his sleeves, bent […]

Culture – The Heart and Soul of Your Business.


The culture is the lifeblood of any organisation regardless of size – it’s the heart and soul. It’s at the centre of talent retention and acquisition, business performance and overall team engagement. Culture is defined in many ways but a simple dictionary definition is the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or […]

Five Tips for Having Meaningful Performance Conversations.


As the end of the year draws closer, so do the often-dreaded performance conversations. The long trek down to the Boss’s office to talk about you; what you have done, how you have performed, how you have added value, can be confronting and downright scary for some. There’s debate as to whether performance reviews should […]

When Expectations Cross the Line and Border on Harassment.


I was chatting to an attendee at an event I spoke at in Brisbane last week. David was telling me of the challenge he had with managing his manager John’s expectations. John was an insomniac and workaholic. He worked long into the night and started very early in the morning. Which is John’s choice. If […]

When You Look Into the Mirror Do You Like Whom You See?


Firstly, I received many messages on Sunday asking if I was alive after the Richmond Tigers epic win on Saturday. And yes I am! What an incredible day it was and thanks to many of you for sending encouraging messages after last week’s blog. After waiting 37 years for that victory it was worth celebrating! […]