Bringing Sexy Back to Process.
When you say the word process, when you think process, when you do process, you often think ‘boring’. Process has no pizzazz to it. It can be a bit like groundhog day doing the series of steps to get you to an end goal that is ultimately what a process is. It’s a little bland especially when […]
Five Tips for Having Meaningful Performance Conversations.
As the end of the year draws closer, so do the often-dreaded performance conversations. The long trek down to the Boss’s office to talk about you; what you have done, how you have performed, how you have added value, can be confronting and downright scary for some. There’s debate as to whether performance reviews should […]
Distinctive Culture
“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” ~ Dwight Eisenhower Culture is one of the most powerful factors in any business or organization. It can determine if you are an employer of choice or not. I have experienced many organizational cultures, both first […]