Do You Have a Family or a Team?

It’s not uncommon to hear people refer to their work colleagues as family, particularly in a small business. Leaders consider their team part of the family and I think now more than ever people are very much looking for a place to belong in this frantic world. However, is your team really a family in […]

Recognising the Power of Recognition.


I was sitting with an employee last week. We were having a conversation about his role, the likes, dislikes and everything in between. He’s performing well and feels he goes above and beyond what is expected of him in his role, which gives him a sense of personal satisfaction. But something was missing for him. […]

When All You Have is a Hammer You Want Everything to be a Nail


Recently I’ve been asking some targeted questions of people when I meet them, particularly if they are employed. Do they like their job? Are they passionate about what they do? On a scale of 1-10 how engaged would they say they are? The responses are interesting and alarming. Most say they are passionate about what […]

Who’s On Your Team?

It’s interesting how isolating business and leadership can be. So many people can surround us and yet we feel lonely. I was speaking with a Director of a large practice only last week who was saying this exact same thing. Even though there are over 100 people in the practice this person felt like they […]

Distinctive Culture

“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” ~ Dwight Eisenhower Culture is one of the most powerful factors in any business or organization. It can determine if you are an employer of choice or not. I have experienced many organizational cultures, both first […]