Julie Hyde
Have You Fallen Back into Old Habits? 3 Easy Steps to Turn It Around

So you are most likely back at work. The kids are at school or daycare. All the sporting activities are back, social activities are back. We’re now back into our normal lives, and to use this swear word that I really hate, it gets ‘busy’ again.

We can get stuck in this vortex of ‘busy’, running on that treadmill and getting nowhere. We fall into old habits, fall out of step with new ones, and end up wasting our most precious resource – time.

I would love for you to use today’s episode as an opportunity to take stock of what is happening in your world right now. Have you kept on track with your commitments? Have you achieved your goals and followed through with your plans? Have you stayed aligned with the intentions you made at the start of the year?

If you’ve responded no to those questions, now is the time to get back on track. It doesn’t matter what happened yesterday. What matters is what happens today and tomorrow. You can’t change the past, but you can change your future.

Today I share with you three tips that really work for me – creating a 90-day plan, having an end-of-week reflection and touching base with yourself at the end of each day.

I am really passionate about taking a sledgehammer to this busy culture that we have cultivated in our world. My hope is that you will be inspired to turn things around, create the best version of yourself and have the life that you want most.


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