Jane Langof
New Year, New Energy. Feng Shui Tips for 2025

This time of year has a special magic doesn’t it? The air is charged with new possibilities and intentions, it’s the perfect moment to refresh not just our plans, but our spaces too.

I recently sat down with multi award winning Feng Shui master Jane Langof, who shared her insights on transforming your home and office into sanctuaries of productivity and peace.

As Jane says, Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of arranging spaces to optimise energy flow to promote health, wealth, and harmony. It’s not about the TikTok trends of placing lucky toads here and there, but a complex system built upon thousands of years of observation and calculation

Yes it’s complex, but implementing Feng Shui in our lives doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start with the most basic principle – clearing the clutter.

Clutter creates visual noise and blocks positive energy from flowing freely around your room. Think about it – If your office is a big disaster and a giant mess, you’re never going to work as effectively as you are when your space is clear. So, start with something simple—clearing your desk. This small act alone can significantly improve focus and productivity.

One really important space to consider is the entrance of your home or workplace. You want to create a clean, calm and welcoming space that invites positive energy and opportunity into your life. A lovely focal point, such as a piece of art or a stylish console table, is a great touch for your entrance.

Another crucial area for Feng Shui is the bedroom. You absorb a lot of energy while you’re sleeping here, so you want to make sure it’s the right kind. Clear away clutter, limit electronics, and position your bed against a solid wall. You also don’t want a mirror reflecting the bed, as they can amplify stress and unresolved issues.

I hope Jane’s tips and wisdom will inspire you to refresh your own spaces, and your life, with the positive energy Feng Shui has to offer. If you want to learn more about this incredible art, Jane’s book, “Feng Shui: A Homeowner’s Guide to Abundance,” is a great resource.



Connect with Jane:

Book:              Feng Shui: A Homeowner's Guide to Abundance
Website:         fengshuiconcepts.com.au
Instagram:      @fengshuiconcepts
LinkedIn:        https://www.linkedin.com/in/janelangof

Connect with Julie: