This week we have the remarkable Mandy Burns on the podcast. Mandy started as a CEO of Variety Victoria mid December 2019 and previously worked with the new social network platform B Collective to take it from a tech start-up to a global movement. She has practised as a psychologist, relationship counsellor and educator in both Melbourne and Perth and I’m so grateful to have her unstoppable energy on the show today.
Mandy has held numerous national and local NFP board roles, led networking and support of women events, and has been recognised by Victoria’s Children’s Community and Telstra Business Women’s Awards.
In our conversation, we’re exploring Mandy’s passion for doing everything she can to impact the lives of children and the environment.
Mandy is making it count by taking responsibility. This manifests for her in different ways, including volunteering, picking up rubbish on beaches, living her social justice ideals and working with children.
If we accept something we know is wrong, we become part of the problem.
Mandy explores her CEO role in Variety Children’s Charity, her background sitting on boards for charities, the inspiration that came from learning about youth homelessness, the vulnerability of being a leader, the challenges of leadership (while wearing a cape and her undies on the outside!), and the key attributes that a modern leader absolutely needs in 2022.
It fills Mandy’s heart with joy to make a difference in the lives of children. She shares how her friends, family, values, working with amazing people and benefiting from their collective wisdom keep her anchored every day.
Mandy is such an inspirational leader who advises us to make it count by taking responsibility in our lives and never doubt that a small group of people can truly change the world.
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