Kristina Karlsson
The Secrets You Need to Know to Create Your Dream Life

I am so excited to kick off the new year with an amazing guest, Kristina Karlsson. Kristina is the founder of Dream Life Store and the global Swedish design and stationery brand, Kikki K. She is also the author of the book, “Your Dream Life Starts Here,” and is on a mission to inspire 101 million people to dream big and make their dreams happen.

Kristina shares her personal journey of manifesting her dreams and provides incredible insights and actionable tips for creating your own dream life. Her story is so inspiring, and I hope it encourages you to take the necessary steps towards turning your dreams into reality.

Kristina’s path to manifesting her dream life started at the age of 23 when she moved from Sweden to Australia. She was feeling lost and unsure about her future. One sleepless night, she asked her partner, Paul, for guidance on what she should do with her life. He suggested that she write down what was important to her.

On that list, Kristina discovered that she wanted to drive to work every day and love it. She also wanted to have her own business, work with Swedish design, have a connection with Sweden, and have the flexibility to be there for her family when needed. She even added a dream of having her life in both countries. These dreams seemed impossible at the time, but Kristina has gone on to achieve every single one of them.

Coming through a very challenging time when Kikki-K was taken into voluntary administration not once, but twice during Covid, Kristina Karlsson shared openly about how the power of walking in nature, meditation and journaling helped her through.

I left this conversation feeling empowered to start my own list of dreams to bring into 2024, and I hope you do too.


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