A lot of women struggle with setting boundaries. People pleasing and doing things for others feels easier than saying No.
But a few years ago, Lisa Walker, co-founder of Eir Women, set herself a challenge a little more left of field… a year of saying Yes.
Lisa’s year of yes wasn’t just a catchy phrase—it was a life-altering experience that unlocked unexpected opportunities and incredible growth.
After losing her husband to alcoholism, Lisa’s next chapter began at age 49 with a series of unexpected life changes. In a short period, she uprooted her life—moving homes, starting a new business, and enrolling her sons in a new school. After a decade of avoiding social interactions, Lisa realised that saying yes could be a path to rediscovery. It was a conscious decision to step out from the shadows of grief into confidence, openness, and an eagerness to engage with the world anew.
Whether through accepting a simple coffee invitation, scuba diving and even pole dancing, saying yes helped break down the protective barriers Lisa had built around herself.
Saying yes impacted Lisa professionally too. As a co-founder of Eir women, being a public face and storyteller for the brand was initially intimidating. However, by saying yes to speaking engagements and networking, Lisa propelled her company into the spotlight, using her own story to inspire and connect with others.
Lisa is passionate about championing midlife wellness and advocates for health, balance and purposeful living with the utmost joy and love of life. Eir Women was born out of this passion, providing high-quality and clinical dose supplements for women over 40.
While saying yes to fun and quirky adventures, Lisa shares how finding joy in life also comes from the every day commitment to wellness. Through daily meditation and mindfulness, Lisa shares how she has maintained balance, reminding us that saying yes to mental health practices is as crucial as embracing external opportunities. Although life is still tough going at times, these practices have helped her navigate the complexities of life with resilience and grace.
Lisa’s story is inspiring to say the least and encourages us to examine our own lives and consider where a bit more yes could make a difference. In Lisa’s words, start small—integrate mindfulness, try something new, or open yourself up to a conversation. Each yes is a step towards a more enriched, fulfilling life.
Connect with Lisa:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisagriffiths/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/walker_on_the_wild_side/
Eir Women: https://eirwomen.com.au/
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