The Reflection In The Mirror.

We have to confront ourselves. Do we like what we see in the mirror? And, according to our light, according to our understanding, according to our courage, we will have to say yea or nay – and rise!
  ~ Maya Angelou


It’s been a challenging, productive and great 5 months. Most weeks have been very eventful and there is never a dull moment in the Julie Hyde camp at the moment!

I’ve been, probably a lot like you, frantic! Busy keeping up with the demands of clients, event management and organising a wedding! The adrenalin has been coursing through my veins and I’ve loved it…most of the time.

Then it was time to look in the mirror. Something I often do as a leader.

I reflected on how I have been during this super busy time. I’ve been focused, committed to deadlines and delivering quality work and workshops. I’ve been seeking the support of my fiancé, family and friends and asking them to bear with me during the very busy time.

The learning’s from the book by the Arbinger Institute – Leadership and Self Deception flooded back into my mind (I shared this book in my May newsletter and I think it’s a super resource for leaders). As I had been head down and rear up for so long I had a sneaking suspicion I may not have been as effective as I could have been.

And yes it was true.

I thought about how I had sabotaged myself at times, almost unconsciously, simply because I have been stuck in the doing rather than making some time to elevate myself above this ‘busyness’ enabling myself to see what was really going on.

I had been accepting of things that I shouldn’t. I’d been too busy to deal with them. I’d left things to the last minute so had rushed to get things done.  I’d placed my assistant and suppliers under pressure. And I may have been a little testy, as I don’t do tired well!

So when looking in that mirror I asked myself the dreaded question “Could have achieved better results if I had been more self aware”? We know the answer to that! The important thing now is to implement the changes I need to in order to achieve better results and balance my time between the ‘in’ and ‘on’ of business.

Leaders aren’t perfect and never will be. However, the more self-awareness a leader has the better the results they will achieve. They will have the discipline and the courage to stop and look in the mirror, take responsibility for the results they are creating or not, and implement changes as required.

And therein lies your success.