Sally McGrath is a health and wellbeing expert and advocate who guides and supports individuals and teams to treat, and prevent, burnout. Having experienced her own life changing burnout, Sally describes herself as a burnout survivor, now thriver. Her own journey to recovery inspired her health coaching practice, Health that Heals. Sally’s joy comes from empowering individuals and teams to create what she describes as “work and life in synergy”.
Sally is passionate about listening to the body and shares with us the ways your body may be alerting you to the fact that something’s not quite right. She shares resources that empower the individual to identify what needs to change to reduce the risk of burnout, as well as strategies to support mental health hygiene – something that can be ignored when a person is experiencing the spiral to burnout.
Sally is making it count by empowering women to say no, without feeling guilty.
In this episode, we learn about Sally’s pathways into burnout – she describes her previous self as a workaholic, perfectionist and control freak. This led to her experiencing burnout three times. Sally describes to us how she used busy as a badge of honour and how normal being stressed had become to her.
I am sure you will resonate with so many parts of Sally’s story – I certainly do!
A fundamental part of Sally’s healing has been identifying behaviours that were normalised in her everyday life, and then working to change these. We discuss the work that she did around self worth, and the role that Brené Brown’s shame work played in her recovery.
Sally shares with us her top tips for burnout prevention, and we discuss her golden piece of advice – it’s ok to not be busy!
Sally leaves us with a simple yet empowering exercise that will help in your journey towards burnout prevention and shares a quote that gets to the heart of the burnout problem.
I know you’re going to love this episode and I hope by the end you’re grabbing your diary and scheduling in some ‘self time’.
Connect with Sally McGrath:
Previous episodes to reference
- 21 Ways to Thrive With Self Care and Acceptance – Sonia Bestulic
- Empowering Wellness – Yasmin Darwish
- Mental Health in the Workplace - Georgie Harman
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