Will Social Media Improve Client Service?


What your clients say about you on social media can have a real impact on your sales. Mediums such as facebook and twitter allow people the opportunity to communicate good and bad experiences about products and service so it makes sense for business to be on top of this.

I have noticed an increasing number of retailers with a social media presence encouraging consumers to provide feedback, communicate special offers and basically stay top of mind with their clients. Good strategy!

Social media is a growing influence for consumers, with almost one in four (24%) having made a purchase because of a social web discussion they had seen, says a report by customer relationship management technology company RightNow. And this is only going to grow further.

With people finding their voice on line and being more courageous in their communication, especially about an injustice, more people are going to have their opinions swayed by others. This is a big risk for business IF they are not doing the right thing or IF one of their people has provided bad service. It only takes one thing to happen to ruin a brand reputation. Harsh but true.  Social media is basically stripping business bare and putting them out for all to be seen, the good the bad and the ugly!

What would people be saying about your business?

I believe this is a good thing for business and will, or certainly should, make business owners a lot more attentive to their customer service proposition. They need to now more than ever, pride themselves on delivering strong client service and wowing their clients so they will sing their praises on social media and to their networks.

Here are 5 things for you to be considering in your business?

  1. Stay on top of social media such as Facebook and twitter and hear what people are saying about your business.
  2. Invite people to interact with your business online.
  3. If there has been negative feedback provided about your business, do your best to turn that into a positive one (I have seen the retailer Witchery do this really well on Facebook).
  4. Measure your client satisfaction on a regular basis.
  5. Make client service a priority in your business and ensure all of your team understand and execute your core principles consistently.

Will social media improve client service? My call on that is yes, for smart business.