This Shocked Me

My 2022 was broken into two halves. For the first five months, being treated for cancer, I was very unwell. I kept getting up and being knocked down. It was a very turbulent time and a massive test of my resilience and courage.

The second six months was so much better. Much freer of anxiety and side effects from treatment, much stronger mentally and physically. There were holidays, ladies’ lunches, big glimmers of light and cautious optimism about the future. I treated every block of three months between scans like I was a 12-year-old planning a trip to Disneyland: I stuffed every bit of fun into I could rather than live with bated breath for the next scan.

And even for someone who has taught and lived the power of a positive mindset for yonks, the way it made me feel and the impact it had on my health shocked me.

Living for the now energised me more than careful planning for the next five years ever has. Being able to bench press 7gs just once filled me with more pride than the dozens of much heavier reps I used to push. I wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone, but the upside of it for me was I learned how resilient and courageous I am—and even better, I learned my body and brain knows how to tap into that.

I’ve finally learned to do what I preach—make sure I constantly do things that bring me joy and happiness, connection and love. That’s the key thing I learned in 2022: on reflection, I’ve been too focussed on my business for years. Being forced to focus on me has only enhanced what I put out into the world.

Re-evaluating and placing internal enjoyment above external success has brought both, in spades. I’m a better leader. Better friend. Better wife. Better Julie.

I’d love to hear what shocked you in 2022!