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EP08: Oscar Trimboli – Deep Listening – The Unfair Advantage.

By January 8, 2019
On this episode of Making It Count, Oscar Trimboli joins me.
Oscar is a coach supervisor, speaker and author of Deep Listening: Impact beyond words, The 125/400 Rule: The Art and Science of Listening and Breakthroughs: How to confront your assumptions.
Through his work with chairs, boards of directors and executive teams in local, regional and global organisations, Oscar has experienced first hand the transformational impact leaders and organisations can have when they listen beyond the words.
He consults to organisations including Cisco, Google, HSBC, News Corp, PayPal, Qantas, TripAdvisor helping executives and their teams listen to what’s unsaid by the customers and employees.
Oscar lives in Sydney with his wife Jennie, where he helps first-time runners and ocean swimmers conquer their fears and contributes to the cure for cancer as part of Can Too, a cancer research charity.
This is an interesting chat. Oscars key message is people that want to be heard but what they really crave is to be listened to and we explore what this means and some tips on how to do that.
In this episode we cover:
· What deep listening is
· The unfair advantage you can gain
· Tip for deeps listening
· Many other little gold nuggets throughout this insightful chat