Last week I wrote about the importance of leading yourself into the next half of the year with self-care and vibrancy. I am a big believer of walking your talk. So, I’m being my own best coach and taking a mini break.
The first six months of this year have been huge. Increasing client work, my exercise load, social outings, looking after ageing parents and my own health challenges. So, I’m taking time out to breathe. I’m packing my bags to head to Queensland to disconnect from technology and enjoy loads of self-reflection and self-care.
Self-care is a passion and a discipline of mine and I have some firm boundaries in place to ensure I am looking after my health as the first priority. Investing in your health is so important. Without it you aren’t able to do what you want to do in life.
I believe that mini-breaks throughout the year are crucial. You don’t even need to go overseas where the rest of Melbourne is at the moment (or that’s what it feels like), just take a break from work. But a real break. No emails. Just time to focus on you.
You are the most important person in your life. Similar to the run down they give you each time you fly. If in times you need the oxygen mask, put it on your face first. Then you can help others.
The same applies to your life. Fill your cup so you can make the impact and the difference you want to make in the world.