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Agility – Why It’s the New Must Have

By April 6, 2021Articles

agile ~ ability to move quickly and easily

You might know someone that has to have the newest phone or latest model of a car as soon as it’s released to market. Or someone who must have that new dress in Zara or the Gucci shoes even though they are so out of their price range! The need to have the latest fashion statement is real!

Well the (not so) new must have leadership accessory is called agility and it’s something that all leaders need to be as hungry for as those that must have the latest fashion statement. Agility is what leaders need to be wearing in 2021!

According to Gallup, leaders need to be agile with both their leadership and their goals. The disruption that the pandemic has caused is certain to have a flow on effect for the next couple of years. Those that thought flipping the calendar over to a new year would bring things back to normal are going to be very disappointed. Needs and priorities are going to shift throughout the year demanding the need for agility. Performance and how it’s measured will need to be adjusted along the way.

In addition to this, leaders need to be agile with their thinking and their mindsets. Given we now need to navigate all sorts of complex interactions, people and situations (not only caused by the pandemic) there is not a one size fits all way to respond to them. We can’t simply rely on our preferred way of responding, we need to go beyond our comfort zone and reach for a new way of responding that will get a better outcome.

Leaders now need to be agile with the leadership, goals and emotional intelligence. No pressure at all!

This is something I trained in last year and am now accredited in the Agile EQ diagnostic tool. I initially did it to assist me with my own leadership and how I was responding to the demands and changes that the pandemic was throwing my way. It certainly provided some (a little confronting!) insights and enabled me to be more self-aware. I now include this in my leadership coaching and my programs.

If being more agile as a leader is high on your agenda or if you would like to gain a deeper insight into your emotional intelligence strengths, reach out and let’s have a chat.