Do you want this?

The one thing I’m hearing that people want now isn’t more money, more leads, more visibility.

They want … a reset.

They want to push a metaphorical button and have or be something different. They want to know what’s next.

Nearly three quarters of people over 45 are willing to invest significant time learning new skills, according to recent Microsoft research. More than four in 10 are thinking about a new career—and 52 is the average age for that.

Is that you? It was me a couple of years ago. I got to 50 and felt I’d lost my sparkle. I still had a lot to offer and didn’t want people to think I was done or old. I really had to reinvent myself for my next chapter.

So I got a mentor to help me find my mojo and next adventure. She did both. I understood what my brand was but more importantly that the brand was worthless if my mindset was still one of doubt.

For me, it was all about getting clarity. If you want a reset, do you know what it means? Who are you going to work with, what you like to be known for, how are you going to support your mindset to enable you to do all of it?

If you’re thinking about a reset, I’m excited for you. Congratulations on being bold and adventurous.

If you need an expert to navigate the path alongside you, I have a few spots left for private mentoring clients.

Goal: your ideal life and some fun adventures. Proviso: you have to be willing to be flexible and powerful in your mindset. I’m a firm believer that mindset is everything: it’s about understanding what is a distraction and what is critical.

Get details and book your place here.