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How To Have a Ripper 2012

By December 12, 2011February 14th, 2019Articles, leadership, Leadership

Yes it’s 13 sleeps until Christmas and all in business are focused on how busy they are….or should be! Some businesses are frantic with this period being the busiest sales period and others are winding down.

Regardless of where you are at, December and January is the prime time to plan for the next year. Any good business reflects and learns from the results created during the current year so they can plan and implement a robust success strategy for the next year.

Many businesses are seeking year on year improvements, others are happy to break even and some desperately need 2012 to be better than 2011.

Here are 5 tips to assist you in planning for a fantastic 2012.

  1. The Mirror. Reflect on 2011 and be totally honest with yourself. What went well? What could be improved? What do you need to change? And what should you just simply stop doing? You will now be able to draw a line in the sand and focus on next year armed with these learnings.
  2. Think BIG! Write out a list of what you would like to achieve for 2012. Don’t limit yourself.  What are the goals at the end  2012  that will make you incredibly proud to have achieved?
  3. Time. Assess how you have really used your time this year and decide on how you will use your time next year. Do you need to spend more time ‘on’ your business and less time ‘in’ your business? Where can you improve efficiencies and productivity?
  4. Activity. What are they key activities that you need to do consistently to improve your results and make you more money? What activities will lead to an improvement in cash flow? What do you need to do to increase referral business? How can you improve relationships?
  5. Ask questions! Ask your clients, your referral partners, your staff and your associates how you can betters serve them next year? As Ken Blanchard says, “Feedback is the breakfast for champions”. If you are brave enough, because it takes courage, seek as much feedback as you can and integrate into your reflection learnings (step 1) to enable you to plan for a ripper 2012.

And don’t forget we are here to help. Our Business Accelerator System gets you focused on what you need to be doing in your business on a consistent basis to get the best results.