The Real Reason I Went to a Retreat

For as long as I can remember I’ve been wanting to go to a health retreat and turn off from the world. Eat clean, do a digital detox, have another crack at yoga (I’m so not flexible enough), go to bed super early. And last month, I did.

Confession: by the time I arrived, I realised the real reason I wanted to be there wasn’t to do 6.15am tai chi—although I did, aaaggh—or see if my skin looked better after a week.

I just wanted to be me again. In the nine months since my cancer diagnosis, I haven’t felt I’ve had the time or space to think clearly and get clarity about me. Which sounds funny I know as all I think about is me. My energy has been spent on navigating so many medical appointments whilst trying to work intentionally and purposefully and trying to make sense of what happened.

The thing nobody tells you is that when you get stage three melanoma, you also get a label. The woman who has cancer. That’s why my mission was to get away from anything that defined me and just be Julie again.

So for a week people only knew what I told them. I run my own business. I love my hot husband. I’m afraid of spiders and now giving tapestry a crack. I’m hooked on travel, cheat at boardgames and can tell you right now the three things to do to a) be a strong leader b) stop being busy and start being fulfilled and effective.

How did I feel after taking myself away? Liberated. I didn’t have to explain anything to anyone. Energised. Renewed.

And yes, I found the clarity I was looking for. All I needed was the space and time to think and feel freely. The ‘feel’ part is the most important bit. Often, I don’t let myself feel enough as I’m too stuck in my head. Giving yourself permission to feel your way through things is powerful—even if it feels like crap sometimes. It’s worth it!

Do you need a personal wing woman who knows everything is possible if you get clarity about what is meaningful? My downward dog may be rusty but I’m silky smooth at teaching modern leaders how to give themselves time and space to work out who they are and what they need, professionally and personally.

Let’s talk. I still have two spots available for private mentoring clients this year.

Details here