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Matthew Gould Joins The Business Leadership Academy

By September 25, 2011February 14th, 2019Articles, leadership, Leadership

Join us on September 28th at 12pm when we will interview Matthew Gould from the Victorian Employers Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Register here to be part of the interview.

Matthew is passionate about leadership and we are really looking forward to hearing the insights he will share from his extensive career and experience in business. 

"Matthew Gould has specialised in strategic economic, community and business development for over 25 years in both a practical sense and as a senior executive. 

Throughout his career, Matthew's work has largely been in developing economic, business and community strategies both regionally and in urban precincts, social enterprise development, industry and community alliances, social and community partnerships and strategy planning and facilitation.  

Since 2006, Matthew has been employed by the Victorian Employers’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI) as its' Regional Business Development Manager and is also responsible for the Economic Development Units (EDU’s) of all 79 Victorian Local Governments.

Matthew also sits on many boards and governance bodies of human services, education and economic development organisations. Matthew is also a business champion and ambassador for many community based organisations as well as a mentor for newly arrived skilled migrants and regional young people in tertiary education who require business mentoring and industry matching. Matthew is currently also on the Victorian Board of Economic Development Australia (EDA) and was recently appointed a National Director representing Victoria with EDA."