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The Search For Inspiration – From Monday Inspiration

By August 21, 2011February 14th, 2019Articles, leadership, Leadership

I often read and certainly hear how challenged people are for inspiration. For the bit of something that will give them that extra kick of motivation when they are feeling low or under pressure.

business growthBy now you will know I go to the gym. Each morning I see my buddies there. A gentleman named Brian is a regular. He’s 70 years old and is as fit as a fiddle. He talks footy, lifts weights as heavy as the 30 year old and is such a genuinely warm person. He takes time to say hello to all and encourages where he needs to.

Brian is an inspiration to me. He is at the gym every weekday and could put me to shame on the treadmill. He is a positive man who is passionate about his health and fitness and for making a difference to people each day just by being him. That to me is real inspiration. When I feel reluctant to get out of bed, I think of Brian who will already be at the gym. Brian is a leader.

Inspiration can be grand and inspiration can be on a smaller scale. It’s the little pieces of inspiration that you will find right in front of you. Right now. My advice to you, lift your eyes and look around you. There is inspiration everywhere. You just need to be able to see it.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a true leader.”  ~ John Quincy Adam